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  • \) Lady · Bird FAMILY/JOHNSON, LADY BIRD . Material on Mrs-. Johrison, · including her social and official appearances , · activities, speeches, and travels as First Lady; books written abou·t Lady Bird; her role in· the ·1964 campaign
  • ; security arrangements; list of invitations by state/city; accompanying Congressmen; thank you letters; and press coverage. (See list of Campaign Trips below.) TR 1/JOHNSON, MRS. Material on Mrs. Johnson's 1964 campaign trips, especially the "Lady Bird
  • , dutch elm disease, rabies, mosquitoes, etc.; control of animal pests, such as birds and rats; U. S. and Mexico screwworm eradication program; Rat Extermination legislation; Federal coordination of safe use of pesticides; and plant quarantine. 2". AG 6